
With Passover just over a week away it's about time that I begin thinking about it. Let me tell you what I've posted on the left hand side of the page.

Resources: The Passover seder is the most observed ritual by Jews in North America. No matter background or affiliation (or non-affiliation), over 80% of Jews attend a seder. Since so many participate in this most ancient of all Jewish community rituals, it's important to ensure that our seder is as meaningful as possible. I've highlighted a few web sites to go to for ideas for family or child oriented activities and resources; I've highlighted some places to go for social action readings and discussion topics; and I've highlighted spiritual/prayer additions for your seder. Check them out and see if you'd like to enhance your celebration this year.

Charities of the Month: This month I've highlighted two organizations that make sure that people can have food for Passover. MAZON is an organization that provides food for the impoverished all year round and they make an added effort on Passover. The Jewish Welfare Board supervises all the Jewish chaplains and they are providing Passover meals for our Jewish troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Please consider these organizations this month.

Wishing you a joyous and healthy Passover!
