Charities of the Month

The month of Elul marks the beginning of the High Holiday season. We have 30 days to begin thinking about the purpose of our lives and the values we hold dear. Though Rosh Hashana is mostly known for ritual and family behaviors - the shofar, the round challah, family meals, etc. - it is more significantly a spiritual and introspective time of year.

To that end I have listed three charities on the left that our congregation focuses on during this month. We of course want to ensure the success and viability of our shul so I have that listed. We also focus on employment issues around Labor Day with Jews United For Justice's program Labor on the Bima. We'll be having a guest speaker on Shabbat Sept 12 from that organization. And finally we consider our connection to the State of Israel and our willingness to make a financial investment in its infrastructure. Consider Israel Bonds this season.

Along with these charities take a look at the resources on the left side of the page and consider any of those options to enhance your High Holiday season. Shanah tovah u-metukah - wishing you a good and sweet new year!
