I had the pleasure of meeting with 4 students from our shul who are in Jerusalem studying. They are all having a great time and it was a lot of fun meeting with them. Here is a picture of them!
We should be very proud that we have 4 people who have decided to spend time in Israel! Talia Plotkin is on Young Judea year course - a post high school program that combines study and community service. Julia Kraut is studying for her B.A. at IDC in Herziliyah (north of Tel Aviv). Aliza Sandberg is studying at a yeshiva in Jerusalem called Nishmat. And my Elisheva just started the spring semester of her sophomore year at Hebrew University.
It's wonderful to feel like I'm living my life over through them! I was able to spend a year of college at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and I'm so happy that my daughter and the others have such Zionist passion too. Watch the video to see the passion in their eyes and the joy in their voices!
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