Another week of study at the Shalom Hartman Institute has concluded and I am still amazed at how wonderful the program is. No matter the topic of study for the week - this week it was individual and community - the classes are first rate and engaging. The teaching is engaging and provocative and there is always something that I can bring home to shul to teach. I look forward to doing that this Friday night - weather permitting!
But Hartman is also important for the camaraderie. The friends I have made are rabbis of all denominations. We have found that we have the same goals for our rabbinates and that we can trust each other to share challenges and successes. Egos have been checked at the door long ago - unusual for rabbis! - and we all look forward to getting together every 6 months to recharge our spiritual batteries.
We have one last gathering this summer when we "graduate" from the program and we're already planning reunions. This program is one of the best things I've done in my rabbinate and I can't thank Shaare Tefila Congregation enough for granting me the sabbatical time to participate, and our local Federation for sponsoring my attendance.
Steve's in trouble- he is not in any of your pictures. Maybe he wasn't really there!