Yes, you read the title right. It's be nearly 80 pages since I last commented on the Talmud and the reason has mainly been the COVID-19 virus. I have been studying the pages every day but I felt that there were other things that warranted my attention before I could consider writing this blog.
I love the Talmud and yet I must admit that what attracts me most about it are the stories - the midrashim - that the rabbis wrote regarding theological, moral and ethical concepts. the bulk of these 80 pages is devoted to laws related to the 39 categories of work that are prohibited on Shabbat. These categories are derived from all the work the rabbis think was done to build the tabernacle in the desert nearly 3,000 years ago. Many pages, then are devoted to describing the categories and listing work in the rabbis' time that correspond to those categories.
Of all the types of work, carrying is the main labor discussed in terms of items, the intent of carrying, and the places the item is carried into.
But in the midst of all these pages we get some gems of stories. As the rabbis discuss that putting on makeup and braiding hair is forbidden they say that God braided Eve's hair. As the first woman created, God took the time to teach her how to braid her hair! What an extraordinary story of compassion and care.
And in the midst of discussing Rabbi Aliva's view on carrying they share his thoughts on when the Torah was given at Mt. Sinai. A few pages are used to share the intricacies of that major event and the implications of giving the Torah.
Keep on studying and keep on looking for the hidden gems!
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